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Susy Meeus

Senior QA Engineer

After a career as a Software Testing Consultant for large ICT companies, it was a real eye-opener to discover how dynamic and efficient things are at Inetum-Realdolmen. As a Senior QA Engineer, I’m responsible for software quality on a wide variety of projects, which has allowed me to rapidly expand my knowledge.

Not only is Inetum-Realdolmen built on a strong people-focused workplace strategy, the foundation for its “To get there, Together” philosophy, it also offers employees the opportunity to bring their own input to the table through Testing Guilds and SQUAD Nights. A conscious effort has been made to improve the experience of employees. Employees are central, and it makes for an inspiring and stimulating work environment. An environment that contributes both to the organizational strategy and to the job satisfaction and well-being of employees. This is how I would sum up my work at Inetum-Realdolmen: challenging projects, transversal management, a partnership where every voice is heard, great opportunities to grow in your field and beyond and a real work-life balance.

I’m proud to be an employee of this beautiful organization because its values and mission fully align with mine. What’s more, my colleagues provide a professional environment with a fantastic atmosphere.

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