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Nicolas Clark

Front End Web Developer

I started working in 2014 as a Front End Web Developer and this was actually my first long-term contract experience. So far, it has definitely been a great experience. I am working with talented and experienced people from who I am learning every day. Also, I am getting more and more involved into our main projects, giving me more expertise in my favorite IT domains. When I started working here, I had a great introduction by the HR teams who also introduced me to most of my colleagues. On my first day they provided me with a powerful laptop with all the tools I need to practice my job in the best conditions. They also introduced me to all the services that are being provided and that I can use with my account to make my job easier. Everything was well explained and pretty much intuitive. As a first professional experience for me, I believe working here is a great opportunity. This experience will keep evolving my professional skills and that it will bring me to a next level in my professional career.

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